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grcode          = HUS
grcode          = HUS
offered          =  
offered          =  
Sophomores      = [[Courses Available to Freshmen|Sophomores]]
opento          = Courses Available to Freshmen|Sophomores
Career & College = [[Career & College|<i class="fas fa-building"></i> Career & College]]
requiredby      = Career & College|<i class="fas fa-building"></i> Career & College]]<br />[[Fine Arts|<i class="fas fa-paint-brush"></i> Fine Arts]]<br />[[Liberal Arts|<i class="fas fa-pencil-alt"></i>  Liberal Arts]]<br />[[STEM|<i class="fas fa-cogs"></i> STEM
Fine Arts        = [[Fine Arts|<i class="fas fa-paint-brush"></i> Fine Arts]]
Liberal Arts    = [[Liberal Arts|<i class="fas fa-pencil-alt"></i>  Liberal Arts]]
STEM            = [[STEM|<i class="fas fa-cogs"></i> STEM]]
American Studies is a course analyzing the history of the American nation from its origins to the present. At the conclusion of the course students will have a ready command of the details of American history, allowing them both the historical perspective to comment on original documents as well as inform their thinking regarding current issues.
American Studies is a course analyzing the history of the American nation from its origins to the present. At the conclusion of the course students will have a ready command of the details of American history, allowing them both the historical perspective to comment on original documents as well as inform their thinking regarding current issues.

Revision as of 22:20, 13 May 2018

coursename = US History description = American Studies is a course analyzing the history of the American nation from its origins to the present. At the conclusion of the course students will have a ready command of the details of American history, allowing them both the historical perspective to comment on original documents as well as inform their thinking regarding current issues. department = History and Social Studies teacher = Victoria Murphy sessions = 2 prerequisites = Government]], [[Oklahoma History note = grcode = HUS offered = opento = Courses Available to Freshmen|Sophomores requiredby = Career & College| Career & College]]
Fine Arts
Liberal Arts
American Studies is a course analyzing the history of the American nation from its origins to the present. At the conclusion of the course students will have a ready command of the details of American history, allowing them both the historical perspective to comment on original documents as well as inform their thinking regarding current issues.