Fine Arts

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Alphabetical-ish list of classes included in the Fine Arts graduation plan.

Art History

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Art History offers a mix of art and history that’s more than just memorizing dates and names. Spanning cultures across all continents and from prehistoric to contemporary times, in this course you’ll explore the different social and cultural beliefs, political and economic systems, and scientific and technological advancements that have led to the creation of well-known sculptures, paintings, buildings, and many other types of art. You will be:

  • Evaluating works of art from different eras and cultures
  • Seeing connections to artistic traditions, styles, or practices in a work of art
  • Developing a theory about the meaning of a work of art and explaining and supporting your interpretation

This class is a lecture and research based art course.

Drawing II

Adam Carnes

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This class is a continuation of Drawing I. We will continue our drawing studies using various methods, such as: life drawing, linear perspective, intuitive gesture, building forms, figure drawing, abstract composition, master copies, color and mixed media. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements. Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History and have strong drawing abilities.

Intro to Digital Literacy

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Do you like solving problems? Do you find yourself excited by new technology coming out? Do you just like learning new things? This class is for you!! We will explore the impact of technological advances and how they affect our lives. We will explore how we can use the tech in our lives in better ways. We will also explore a little coding, just to see what makes machines “think.”

Introduction to Computer Science

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Do you like computers and want to learn more about them? Have you ever wondered how to program your own interactive stories, animations, or games? Have you ever wondered how to build a website? This class is for you! We will:

  • Learn computer science through games and websites.
  • Program interactive stories, animations, and games.
  • Build your own webpage.

    World History

    John Turner

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

The purpose of this course is to give the student a better understanding of the complex global community that we live and participate in on a daily basis. Throughout this two trimester course, students will be looking at many aspects of our global community as they relate to political, economic, historical, geographical, religious, and cultural themes as they relate to global studies.