Advanced Darkroom

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Department Fine and Performing Arts
Teacher Cheyenne Butcher
Sessions 1
Prerequisites Darkroom 101
GR Code FA
Offered Currently
Open to Sophomores

Designed for students with some existing experience and knowledge in taking, developing and printing photographs, this course aims to consolidate existing skills and develop new ones to enable students to make a coherent body of photographic works which consider audiences, genres and professional contexts. The course content will be driven by the interests of individual students, to broaden their practical understanding and skills in photography as an art mediumIn this class.

  • You will learn a greater range of imagery, allowing each student to communicate and express themselves using visual language.
  • You will grow your body of work into a cohesive portfolio.

Advanced Darkroom is an advanced photography course. Darkroom 101 is a prerequisite.

A SLR manual film camera is required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out. This course requires a $30 lab fee.