Fine and Performing Arts
- Clinton Beeler
- Cheyenne Butcher
- Adam Carnes
- Derek Clark
- Kelly Foshee
- Marilyn Gates
- Aubree Karner
- Katie McCall
3D Art
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
This is an in-depth study where students will nurture/develop their vision, collaborate on group projects, and start forming their identity as a 3D artist. You will explore 3D design by refining your craftsmanship skills and learn how 3D works are produced. The teacher will guide your vision, but every student will be required to propose/conceptualize ideas for their designs. Goal setting is encouraged and quality work will be expected. This is a studio format course. Non-participation and production will result in a failure. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements: Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History and have intermediate/advanced drawing abilities that aid in sculptural design, problem solving, and conceptualization.
Acrylic Painting
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Watercolor Painting
Acrylic paints were invented in the mid 20th century to provide an alternative to oil paints for the commercial art industry. These paints provided a greater range of color and faster drying times which in turn allowed artists to create paintings that were not possible with traditional paints. This class will be an introduction to basic acrylic painting techniques, and will include paint selection, color mixing, composition, brush work, mixed media, subject matter, acrylic mediums and more to introduce you to this highly versatile painting style. You will work on painting projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.
Advanced Darkroom
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Darkroom 101
Designed for students with some existing experience and knowledge in taking, developing and printing photographs, this course aims to consolidate existing skills and develop new ones to enable students to make a coherent body of photographic works which consider audiences, genres and professional contexts. The course content will be driven by the interests of individual students, to broaden their practical understanding and skills in photography as an art mediumIn this class.
- You will learn a greater range of imagery, allowing each student to communicate and express themselves using visual language.
- You will grow your body of work into a cohesive portfolio.
Advanced Darkroom is an advanced photography course. Darkroom 101 is a prerequisite. A SLR manual film camera is required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out. This course requires a $30 lab fee.
Advanced Studio Art
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
Designed for advanced students who are committed to developing a specific artistic ability. Examples: oil painting, acrylic painting, textiles, puppet making, figurative drawing, animal anatomy, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, etc. You get to choose what you would like to focus on and we will do a deep dive into exploring more possibilities. You are allowed to collaborate with multiple students on a project. Requirements: Teacher approval and portfolio review required. Students provide their own materials. This is a studio format course, so you will need to be driven and self-motivated. The teacher will help guide you and introduce new ideas, but you should have a specific vision and understanding of what imagery or concepts you would like to create. Students are required to have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History, and advanced drawing abilities (to aid in your conceptualization of projects). Non-participation and non-production will result in a failure of the course.
Animation Foundations
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
This computer elective course is an introduction to the fundamental principles and techniques of animation in a digital format. Students will explore the history of animation & its impact on modern media, digital animation methods and styles, gaining a strong foundation in animation, theory and practice, and finishing the trimester with a final animation project. Prerequisites include completion of Art Foundations and basic computer skills combined with an interest in art and storytelling.
Art Foundations
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
This class is a basic introduction to fine art methods and media for both beginners and students familiar with basic art media. By exploring of the Elements of Art, Principles of Design and a variety of art media you will learn how to use these simple tools to create both 2D and 3D works of art.
Art History
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Art History offers a mix of art and history that’s more than just memorizing dates and names. Spanning cultures across all continents and from prehistoric to contemporary times, in this course you’ll explore the different social and cultural beliefs, political and economic systems, and scientific and technological advancements that have led to the creation of well-known sculptures, paintings, buildings, and many other types of art. You will be:
- Evaluating works of art from different eras and cultures
- Seeing connections to artistic traditions, styles, or practices in a work of art
- Developing a theory about the meaning of a work of art and explaining and supporting your interpretation
This class is a lecture and research based art course.
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
This course is a basic ceramics class for both beginners and students with prior clay experience. We will explore all of the basic clay construction methods such as pinch pots, coil building, additive and subtractive, slab building (tiles and boxes) and basic wheel throwing and more. Students will learn a variety of clay construction skills and glazing techniques to create ceramic works of their own original design. Drawing skills are important in this course to conceptualize and plan pieces before construction. Classwork consists of clay projects and weekly sketchbook assignments. Either Art Foundations, Drawing I or Drawing II are required prerequisites for this course, or by special permission of instructor.
Creative Exploration
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Enjoy the opportunity to explore your personal interests and create a project that reflects that interest. Using any available resources, this course offers the opportunity to create anything your mind can conjure up.
Darkroom 101
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
Darkroom 101 will introduce you to the art of film photography, darkroom processing, and photo printing. You'll learn everything from best practices and equipment usage to understanding the basic mechanics of fine art printing. We will cover the concepts of editing and composition. You will develop your film, create contact sheets, create your own prints and participate in group critiques. You’ll leave with an understanding of proper usage of equipment and chemistry. Along the way, you will develop your own personal style and visual narrative. The goal of the intro class is for you to feel comfortable and confident in the darkroom! In this class:
- You will explore various photographic processes, discover different genres, and begin to understand basic film practices.
- You will be exposed to professional photographers.
- You will begin to learn photographic composition techniques and strengthen your visual literacy.
A 35mm SLR manual film camera is required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out. This course requires a $30 lab fee.
Debating Ethics
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Students will engage with classic and contemporary moral dilemmas through the applications of philosophy and debate. This course offers an overview of fundamental ethical theories, allowing students to explore diverse interpretations and perspectives on current, real-world issues of right and wrong as well as use their knowledge of ethical theories to respectfully navigate a structured exchange of ideas. Writing and speaking persuasively, critical thinking, argumentation, rhetoric, and other mechanics of debate are key focuses of this course. Tournament participation is required.
Digital Photography
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Darkroom 101
Digital Photography is a trimester introduction to the digital camera as an art-making tool designed for students at the beginning level. The course will use digital photography to help students learn and apply the basic elements of art and the principles of design. This course will also provide students with opportunities to extend their knowledge and skills in the field of photography and the use of Adobe Photoshop, Bridge, and Lightroom. Digital Photography will familiarize the student with digital photographic equipment, materials, methods, and processes. Visual problem solving skills are explored through the use of the computer as the main tool for creative expression and communication. In this class:
- You will explore electronic imaging through the use of digital cameras and computers.
- You will be able to incorporate the elements of art and principles of design.
- You will be introduced to professional software including Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and Lightroom.
Digital Media is an advanced photography course. Darkroom 101 is a prerequisite. A digital camera, thumbdrive and an appropriate media card are required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out. This course requires a $15 digital print fee.
Drama I
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
In addition to the technical side of the craft (lights, sound, sets, costumes, etc.), students in this course will explore characters, realign their thought process to believably portray a range of emotions, objectives, conflict and resolutions through voice and movement. Students will also incorporate improvisational skills in scenes and theatre games. Finally, students will create scenes and perform, work scripts to bring the words to life, and believably become someone else!
Drawing I
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
This class is a beginning drawing class for those who have never drawn before and those who have a grasp of basic drawing techniques. We will begin with line and progress through shape, form, positive/negative space, value, composition and proportion through careful observation and drawing of still lifes, interiors, natural objects and figures.
Drawing II
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
This class is a continuation of Drawing I. We will continue our drawing studies using various methods, such as: life drawing, linear perspective, intuitive gesture, building forms, figure drawing, abstract composition, master copies, color and mixed media. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements. Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History and have strong drawing abilities.
Exploratory Dance
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Students will learn, practice, and perform the foundations of concert style dance forms such as Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and Contemporary Dance. Students will learn, practice, and perform the foundations of social dance forms such as Swing, Lindy-Hop, Hip-Hop and Latin dancing. Students will learn, practice, and perform the foundations of Cultural dance forms such as African and Flamenco. This course may be taken multiple times since each trimester is different and all levels may be included in the course. Students are expected to dress out in moveable clothing or assigned dancewear and shoes.
Graphic Design
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
This computer elective course exposes students to a structured progression from basic to advanced techniques in both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, (possibly InDesign as well). Projects will include a range of graphic design applications, varying from print, web and digital formats. Each week would build upon the previous, culminating in a final project and possible portfolio presentation at the end. Prerequisites include completion of Art Foundations and basic computer skills.
Hands-On Art History
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
For millennia, humans have created all manner of artwork using a wide variety of materials and techniques to achieve their artistic goals-- have you ever wondered what it would be like to create art the way they did? What’s it like to paint a fresco or weave a basket? How do you make a pot? In this class, you’ll explore a wide variety of media projects based in an art historical context including painting, sculpting, clay, ink, fibers, prints, paper and more. This includes studying a variety of styles and techniques from other cultures and multiple time periods and applying that knowledge to a physical project. There will be research, sketchbook and studio work to give yourself a greater understanding of how over time artists and cultures have worked with their hands to shape their vision of their world.
History of Photography
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Photographs can provide glimpses into lives past, long-ago events, and forgotten places. They can help shape our understanding of culture, history, and the identity of the people who appear in them. Photography has been utilized in these ways, and perceived as both an art form and a tool. Photographs can also be powerful tools for telling stories and chronicling events. Their context and presentation can greatly influence the way we understand everything from historical narratives to current cultural issues and situations. This course is a one-trimester survey of photography from its prehistory to the present. Course readings, lectures, and demonstrations will address photography’s multiple histories: as artistic medium, as social text, as technological adventure, and as cultural practice. We will view images made by important contributors to photography’s histories, as well as images that are important less for who made them than for their power within the discourses of mass culture. We will also learn about various technical processes, the camera’s evolution, and the vocabulary and issues of photographic theory and criticism. This class is a lecture based photo course with some alternative processing.
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Improvisation, in theatre, is the playing of scenes without written dialogue.This happens with acting and reacting in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one's immediate environment and inner feelings. In other words, think "playing it by ear", "take it as it comes", "making it up as one goes along" or the infamous "winging it". It's not just for the stage as we all improv most every moment of every day. This helps give you the tools to feel more comfortable "thinking on your feet". If you've even seen "Whose Line is it Anyway", you'll know what we'll be doing. It's tons of fun!
Instrumental Music
Tris: 3 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Beginning in 6th grade students will learn to read and create music via exploration of multiple instruments and genres. Throughout this 3 trimester course our focus will move between music theory, composition and performance in an ensemble setting.
Intro to Speech & Debate
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Students will develop the skills of public speaking, acting, and debating through in-class performance, peer feedback, and competition. Speaking and writing persuasively, research, and artistic storytelling are some of the main focuses of this course. Students will often engage academically with current events, politics, economics, and philosophy. This course prepares Novices to join the Varsity Speech and Debate Team. Tournament participation is required.
Maker Space Creations
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
If you like problem solving and DIY projects, this class is for you. You will use creative thinking skills while getting hands on experience with all kinds of maker tools like the laser cutter, 3D printer, and more.
Musical Theater
Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
In addition to the technical side of the craft (lights, sound, sets, costumes, etc.), this course entails developing skills in vocals, dance and acting. Class performs at all applicable venues and performs the annual “big” musical. Lots of hard work but even more fun! Students enrolling as a performer MUST enroll in 2nd and 3rd trimester. Students wishing to enroll as tech support may take either trimester. See also Theatre Tech
Oil Painting
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations
This course will dive deep into historical and practical oil painting. It’s an intermediate and advanced level of training for students who desire more. Contemporary discourse will be emphasized. Since the discovery of oil painting, young students would apprentice under a master artist and work their way up. When modernism rolled around, many technical skills were lost or abandoned. This class seeks to re-establish classical knowledge and skills, in a contemporary world. Students will learn direct painting, indirect painting, mediums, ground preparation, canvas stretching, and more. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design and intermediate/advanced drawing abilities. Note: you will be working at an easel regularly, so standing is required.
Printmaking I
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
This class will be an introduction to the art of printmaking, which is the oldest form of graphic design and a way to make multiples— think of how rubber stamps work! Printmaking has been around for over a thousand years, originating in the East and migrating to the West as cultures traded artistic techniques as well as goods. In addition to basic printmaking skills such as ink use, block cutting, and print design, students will learn how to make Gelli prints (monotypes like painting), collographs (collage texture prints), relief prints (linoleum and rubber carvings) and other methods. Correct use of specialized printing equipment, tools, and supplies will also be taught. You will work on printmaking projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.
Printmaking II
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Printmaking I
This class will be a continuation of the techniques learned in Printmaking I, and will further your skills in the art of printmaking. Students will learn how to create drypoint intaglios on plastic, multiple color linocuts and silkscreens they can print on clothing. You will work on printmaking projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.
Script Analysis
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Varsity Speech and Debate
This course is designed for advanced actors to refine their ability to interpret scripts for performance. Students will practice identifying themes, characterization, and other dramatic elements in order to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning communicated by scripts written for a variety of mediums, focusing primarily on stage and film. Students will learn the skills necessary to break down a script into its parts, to analyze each part's contribution to the overall message, and to make use of a selection of acting techniques to achieve a purposeful portrayal. Prerequisite: Varsity Speech & Debate and/or instructor approval
The Arts and Crafts Movement
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
The Arts and Crafts movement was a late 19th century design philosophy that championed handcrafted, high-quality items over mass-produced industrialization and valued the craftsmanship and beauty of handmade objects over machine-made ones, promoting a return to traditional techniques and a connection between the artist and the materials they used. As well as learning about the history and legacy of the Arts and Crafts Movement, in this class you will explore different mediums related to this philosophy including dye/fiber exploration, polymer clay miniatures, ceramic items, bookmaking and more. A focus on handcrafted items, construction, functionality and relation of artist to materials will aid you in your creative problem-solving and developing your own unique design style.
Theatre Through Film
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Drama I
Learn to act on the stage through the medium of film: Students will use scenes, monologues, and duets from films to learn the craft of acting, theatre etiquette, and character development. Students will get to choose films to transcribe for the use of active scene work, or be assigned specific films and scenes. Students will be expected to act daily and perform at the end of the trimester.
Varsity Speech and Debate
Tris: 3 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Intro to Speech & Debate
Speakers develop the skills of acting and public speaking. Daily activities may include creating original speeches or portions of speeches, engaging critically with literature, annotation, memorization, and other tasks associated with artistic speaking and storytelling. Debaters develop skills such as writing and speaking persuasively, conducting quality research, time management, critical listening, and rapid note-taking. Debaters will often engage with current events, politics, economics, and philosophy. Assignments in this class incorporate performance, peer-feedback, and preparation for competition. This class serves as the regular meeting time of TSAS's competitive Speech and Debate Team. Prerequisites include Intro to Speech and Debate and/or instructor approval. Students will be expected to enroll in all three trimesters. Tournament participation is required.
Video Production
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Film & Media Studies
Introduction to Video Production is a trimester course for students who have taken Film Studies, by Dr. Hawkins. This course is for students interested in creating their very own short film. Students will write an original screenplay, build a crew, shoot and edit their short film projects so as to apply what they have learned. Students will expand their knowledge of artistic and technical terms, techniques, and skills inherent in the visual medium of film. We will study elements of composition and cinematic language, and apply these concepts effectively and purposefully to their own work. Video Production heavily focuses on student-centered projects which means active participation is vital to the successful completion of this course. Students in this course will learn basic camera, audio, and lighting equipment terminology, and functions and will be expected to act responsibly when using said equipment. Writing assignments include reflections and screenplays. In addition, students will gain valuable experience using professional video editing software.
- You will explore video capturing through the use of smartphones, digital cameras and computers.
- You will be able to incorporate the elements of art and principles of design.
- You will be introduced to professional software including Premiere Pro Video Editing Software
- You will create an original short film that will be showcased at the end of the year Film Festival
A Smartphone, digital camera, thumb drive and an appropriate media card are required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out.
Watercolor Painting
Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Watercolors have been around since ancient times, when Egyptian artists used pigment and water to decorate their scrolls and tombs, and were also dominant mediums in Chinese, Korean and Japanese painting. It was used for centuries as a sketching material, considered only useful for preliminary sketches but not taken seriously as a ‘true’ painting technique until the late 19th century. This class will teach you the basics of this versatile and portable painting medium with an emphasis on technique, color mixing, brush work, composition, watercolor effects, layering and addition of pen and ink to develop your own skills and creative style. You will work on painting projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.
Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:
Yearbook is a great way to learn about graphic design, photography, and writing, while also celebrating our TSAS Community. Students will be active in designing and editing pages for the yearbook, as well as fundraising and attending school events to capture the best moments of the school year. Students should be prepared to work on Chromebooks. 9-12 graders welcome.