Career & College

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Alphabetical-ish list of classes included in the Career & College graduation plan.

English Lit 10

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In English Literature, students read contemporary and classic works of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction to identify the elements of Literature. Lectures and student research help students read texts in historical context. Throughout the course, students participate in and lead discussions, conduct original research, and develop both analytical and creative writing projects.

Intro to Digital Literacy

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Do you like solving problems? Do you find yourself excited by new technology coming out? Do you just like learning new things? This class is for you!! We will explore the impact of technological advances and how they affect our lives. We will explore how we can use the tech in our lives in better ways. We will also explore a little coding, just to see what makes machines “think.”

Introduction to Computer Science

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Do you like computers and want to learn more about them? Have you ever wondered how to program your own interactive stories, animations, or games? Have you ever wondered how to build a website? This class is for you! We will:

  • Learn computer science through games and websites.
  • Program interactive stories, animations, and games.
  • Build your own webpage.

    World History

    John Turner

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

The purpose of this course is to give the student a better understanding of the complex global community that we live and participate in on a daily basis. Throughout this two trimester course, students will be looking at many aspects of our global community as they relate to political, economic, historical, geographical, religious, and cultural themes as they relate to global studies.