Course Catalog

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Courses available in the 2025-2026 school year.

3D Art

Adam Carnes

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

This is an in-depth study where students will nurture/develop their vision, collaborate on group projects, and start forming their identity as a 3D artist. You will explore 3D design by refining your craftsmanship skills and learn how 3D works are produced. The teacher will guide your vision, but every student will be required to propose/conceptualize ideas for their designs. Goal setting is encouraged and quality work will be expected. This is a studio format course. Non-participation and production will result in a failure. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements: Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History and have intermediate/advanced drawing abilities that aid in sculptural design, problem solving, and conceptualization.

Academic Bowl

Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This course will support the development of TSAS's Division Champion Academic Bowl team by providing students with structured study and practice time. Students in this course will build their academic knowledge and sportsmanship by competing in mock matches. Students may be invited to compete in matches against other Tulsa area schools. Instructor approval is required.

Acrylic Painting

Kelly Foshee

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Watercolor Painting

Acrylic paints were invented in the mid 20th century to provide an alternative to oil paints for the commercial art industry. These paints provided a greater range of color and faster drying times which in turn allowed artists to create paintings that were not possible with traditional paints. This class will be an introduction to basic acrylic painting techniques, and will include paint selection, color mixing, composition, brush work, mixed media, subject matter, acrylic mediums and more to introduce you to this highly versatile painting style. You will work on painting projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.

Advanced Darkroom

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Darkroom 101

Designed for students with some existing experience and knowledge in taking, developing and printing photographs, this course aims to consolidate existing skills and develop new ones to enable students to make a coherent body of photographic works which consider audiences, genres and professional contexts. The course content will be driven by the interests of individual students, to broaden their practical understanding and skills in photography as an art mediumIn this class.

  • You will learn a greater range of imagery, allowing each student to communicate and express themselves using visual language.
  • You will grow your body of work into a cohesive portfolio.
Advanced Darkroom is an advanced photography course. Darkroom 101 is a prerequisite. A SLR manual film camera is required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out. This course requires a $30 lab fee.

Advanced Studio Art

Adam Carnes

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

Designed for advanced students who are committed to developing a specific artistic ability. Examples: oil painting, acrylic painting, textiles, puppet making, figurative drawing, animal anatomy, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, etc. You get to choose what you would like to focus on and we will do a deep dive into exploring more possibilities. You are allowed to collaborate with multiple students on a project. Requirements: Teacher approval and portfolio review required. Students provide their own materials. This is a studio format course, so you will need to be driven and self-motivated. The teacher will help guide you and introduce new ideas, but you should have a specific vision and understanding of what imagery or concepts you would like to create. Students are required to have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History, and advanced drawing abilities (to aid in your conceptualization of projects). Non-participation and non-production will result in a failure of the course.

Algebra I

Ashley White

Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores | Prerequisites:

Algebra I focuses on building a strong foundation in algebraic concepts to prepare students for higher level math and real-world applications. The course focuses on teaching students to reason algebraically, understand patterns and relationships, and represent mathematical situations using symbols. Included in the course is an emphasis on foundational algebraic concepts like solving linear equations, inequalities, systems of equations, graphing, functions, polynomials and factoring, exponents, radicals, applications, and problem-solving.

Algebra II

Kyle Minton

Tris: 2 | Open to: Juniors | Prerequisites: Algebra I

Algebra II students are ready to learn: quadratic functions and applications; polynomial functions and applications; exponential and logarithmic functions and applications, rational and radical functions; probability, data analysis and statistics; and sequence and series.

American Sign Language I

Rogelio Contreras

Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This course introduces the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) and is designed for students who have little or no previous knowledge of ASL. Students will focus on learning the ASL alphabet, basic vocabulary, grammar structure, fingerspelling, commands, and ASL questions. Students will be given the opportunity to develop both receptive and expressive skills in order to hold a beginning-level conversation with deaf/hard-of-hearing native users of ASL. An awareness of the history and culture of deaf people, as well as information on deaf role models, are included in the course.

American Sign Language II

Rogelio Contreras

Tris: 2 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: American Sign Language I

This course is designed for students to expand their understanding of the grammar and vocabulary of American Sign Language studied during the first level course. Students are given the opportunity to continue to develop both their receptive and expressive skills in order to communicate effectively with deaf individuals. An awareness of the history and culture of deaf people, opportunities to interact with the deaf community and information on deaf role models are included in the course. Students also study different sign language systems in existence.

Ancient History and Mythology

Stephen Rustin

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

In Ancient History and Mythology, students will be exposed to the classical world and its myths. They will gain an appreciation for past humanity by studying various ancient cultures from across the globe. The course will introduce students to the most famous myths, legends, and folktales of antiquity. The students will also explore the culture and language of these societies, and they will begin to understand the relationship between ancient and modern myths and why myths continue to speak to us today.

Animation Foundations

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

This computer elective course is an introduction to the fundamental principles and techniques of animation in a digital format. Students will explore the history of animation & its impact on modern media, digital animation methods and styles, gaining a strong foundation in animation, theory and practice, and finishing the trimester with a final animation project. Prerequisites include completion of Art Foundations and basic computer skills combined with an interest in art and storytelling.

AP Biology

Mary Nicholson

Tris: 3 | Open to: Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Biology

The AP Biology course is a 3 trimester course designed by the College Board as a college level biology course. In this class, students will study the core scientific principles, theories, and processes that govern living organisms and biological systems. This course will prepare students for the AP Biology exam through lecture, writing, data analysis, and hands-on laboratory work to investigate natural phenomena. - Open to seniors, juniors with teacher approval

AP English Language and Composition

Stephen Rustin

Tris: 3 | Open to: Juniors | Prerequisites:

AP Lang is a three-session course that focuses on language as a persuasive tool and is designed to develop students’ ability to utilize and analyze rhetorical appeals, techniques, and devices in various media. While students will primarily read non-fiction texts, we will also include some fiction. An AP exam is offered at the end of the year, but is not required to participate in the course.

AP English Literature and Composition

Dillon Hawkins

Tris: 3 | Open to: Seniors | Prerequisites: AP English Language and Composition, Critical Writing

This is a college-level literature course which explores a variety of the world’s great literature. It prepares students to take the AP Literature exam which, if passed, counts for college credit. The course involves intensive reading, writing, and discussion.

AP Statistics

MacKenzie Lance

Tris: 3 | Open to: Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Algebra II

AP Statistics introduces students to the major tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students explore concepts including variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions. This course will include high level analysis alongside projects that explore real world application. Students should successfully complete Algebra 2, as well as a placement test, before entering AP Stat.

Art Foundations

Adam Carnes
Aubree Karner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This class is a basic introduction to fine art methods and media for both beginners and students familiar with basic art media. By exploring of the Elements of Art, Principles of Design and a variety of art media you will learn how to use these simple tools to create both 2D and 3D works of art.

Art History

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Art History offers a mix of art and history that’s more than just memorizing dates and names. Spanning cultures across all continents and from prehistoric to contemporary times, in this course you’ll explore the different social and cultural beliefs, political and economic systems, and scientific and technological advancements that have led to the creation of well-known sculptures, paintings, buildings, and many other types of art. You will be:

  • Evaluating works of art from different eras and cultures
  • Seeing connections to artistic traditions, styles, or practices in a work of art
  • Developing a theory about the meaning of a work of art and explaining and supporting your interpretation
This class is a lecture and research based art course.


Mary Nicholson

Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen | Prerequisites:

Biology is a laboratory science course in which students investigate living things and their interactions with biotic and abiotic factors around them. This course covers a wide range of topics including cells, cell transport and reproduction, genetics, DNA, evolution, and ecology. Students will increase their understanding of biological concepts, processes, and data analysis by participating in various labs and activities throughout the course.


Kelly Foshee

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

This course is a basic ceramics class for both beginners and students with prior clay experience. We will explore all of the basic clay construction methods such as pinch pots, coil building, additive and subtractive, slab building (tiles and boxes) and basic wheel throwing and more. Students will learn a variety of clay construction skills and glazing techniques to create ceramic works of their own original design. Drawing skills are important in this course to conceptualize and plan pieces before construction. Classwork consists of clay projects and weekly sketchbook assignments. Either Art Foundations, Drawing I or Drawing II are required prerequisites for this course, or by special permission of instructor.


Lauren Rathe

Tris: 2 | Open to: Juniors | Prerequisites: Algebra I, Biology, Conceptual Physics

Chemistry is a laboratory science course in which students will explore the composition of matter and the physical and chemical changes it undergoes. This course combines lecture and discussion to support a heavily laboratory focused curriculum, allowing students an active learning environment to explore basic and complex chemistry concepts.

Chemistry in the Community

Lauren Rathe

Tris: 2 | Open to: Juniors | Prerequisites: Algebra I, Biology, Conceptual Physics

Chemistry in the Community is a laboratory-focused course, using experimentation to explore basic chemistry concepts. This course uses real-world environmental issues to explore multiple topics in chemistry through lecture, discussion, and guided experiments.

Chemistry Supplement

Lauren Rathe

Tris: 1 | Open to: Seniors | Prerequisites: Chemistry in the Community

In this chemistry supplement course, students who have completed Chemistry in the Community will apply the concepts learned in that course while diving deeper into more advanced topics and lab experiences. These concepts will complement the material taught in the two-trimester Chemistry course, offering an opportunity for students who have not taken that course to explore more in-depth topics before transitioning to college-level chemistry. You'll delve into subjects like chemical bonding, electron clouds, thermodynamics, and reaction kinetics, building on the foundation you've already established. This course serves as a bridge to college-level chemistry, providing hands-on lab work and enhancing problem-solving skills to prepare you for continued education.

Citizen Science

Lauren Rathe

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Biology

In this citizen science course, you’ll discover how everyday people can make meaningful contributions to scientific research—no degree required! We’ll explore how to use tools like the SEEK app for identifying plants and animals and the Audubon bird song app to track bird populations. We'll explore how citizen science is providing enhanced data for real life science by exploring how this method of data collection is used currently, and you'll also learn hands-on techniques for water sampling, collecting live animals, and other methods to help monitor local ecosystems. By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with the skills to contribute to real-world science and make a positive impact on the environment.

Composition 9

Emily Roiger

Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen | Prerequisites:

In this course, we will spend time reading about and discussing various themes and essential questions that relate to us as individuals. This class will help you sharpen your reading and writing skills as we dive in and examine literary works and texts. While studying long and short works of fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and drama, students will think and discuss critically while becoming familiar with literary elements and techniques. As a composition course, much of what we discuss and analyze will also lead to putting those thoughts and ideas on paper. Students will write creative pieces of fiction and poetry in addition to expository and argumentative papers using the writing process. These writings will show knowledge of standard grammar and usage as well as a sense of audience. Lastly, listening and speaking skills will also be developed throughout the course.

Conceptual Physics

Steven Okapal

Tris: 2 | Open to: Sophomores | Prerequisites: Biology

In Conceptual Physics students investigate the interaction of matter and energy in a variety of methods, focusing on the concepts, rather than the math, involved with these interactions. The course begins with an introduction to the scientific method and Newtonian mechanics. It then follows with thermodynamics and proceeds to electromagnetism. At the end, the students have a choice of a variety of topics including modern physics, a more intense look at mechanics focusing on rotational motion, or optics.

Conspiracy Theories and Historical Mysteries

Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Ever wondered about the truth behind famous conspiracy theories or unsolved historical mysteries? In this class, we’ll dive into some of history’s most intriguing and puzzling events, exploring the clues, theories, and hidden stories that have left people questioning what really happened. Get ready to challenge what you think you know about history!

Crash Course Dummies

Dillon Hawkins

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This class is a survey of topics oftentimes not taken seriously by people in order to investigate and find out if, maybe, they are not actually “dumb” but important forms of culture. Such topics include (but not limited to):

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Enjoy the opportunity to explore your personal interests and create a project that reflects that interest. Using any available resources, this course offers the opportunity to create anything your mind can conjure up.

Critical Communication

Dillon Hawkins

Tris: 2 | Open to: Seniors | Prerequisites:

As the culmination of their language studies, students read challenging and diverse material and are also given freedom to choose their own topics of inquiry. Students will write essays and other short works, both fiction and non-fiction, for each section with the goal of creating arguments that synthesize their readings, discussions, and research and clarify their individual ideas about each theme/topic.

Critical Writing

Stephen Rustin

Tris: 2 | Open to: Juniors | Prerequisites:

Critical Writing is a two-session 11th grade English course designed to help students understand practical approaches to critical analysis, research, and the application of those skills to reading and writing. Students will be engaging with two novels each trimester and will seek to show mastery of narrative, informative, and argumentative writing.

Darkroom 101

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

Darkroom 101 will introduce you to the art of film photography, darkroom processing, and photo printing. You'll learn everything from best practices and equipment usage to understanding the basic mechanics of fine art printing. We will cover the concepts of editing and composition. You will develop your film, create contact sheets, create your own prints and participate in group critiques. You’ll leave with an understanding of proper usage of equipment and chemistry. Along the way, you will develop your own personal style and visual narrative. The goal of the intro class is for you to feel comfortable and confident in the darkroom! In this class:

  • You will explore various photographic processes, discover different genres, and begin to understand basic film practices.
  • You will be exposed to professional photographers.
  • You will begin to learn photographic composition techniques and strengthen your visual literacy.
A 35mm SLR manual film camera is required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out. This course requires a $30 lab fee.

Debating Ethics

Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Students will engage with classic and contemporary moral dilemmas through the applications of philosophy and debate. This course offers an overview of fundamental ethical theories, allowing students to explore diverse interpretations and perspectives on current, real-world issues of right and wrong as well as use their knowledge of ethical theories to respectfully navigate a structured exchange of ideas. Writing and speaking persuasively, critical thinking, argumentation, rhetoric, and other mechanics of debate are key focuses of this course. Tournament participation is required.

Digital Photography

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Darkroom 101

Digital Photography is a trimester introduction to the digital camera as an art-making tool designed for students at the beginning level. The course will use digital photography to help students learn and apply the basic elements of art and the principles of design. This course will also provide students with opportunities to extend their knowledge and skills in the field of photography and the use of Adobe Photoshop, Bridge, and Lightroom. Digital Photography will familiarize the student with digital photographic equipment, materials, methods, and processes. Visual problem solving skills are explored through the use of the computer as the main tool for creative expression and communication. In this class:

  • You will explore electronic imaging through the use of digital cameras and computers.
  • You will be able to incorporate the elements of art and principles of design.
  • You will be introduced to professional software including Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and Lightroom.
Digital Media is an advanced photography course. Darkroom 101 is a prerequisite. A digital camera, thumbdrive and an appropriate media card are required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out. This course requires a $15 digital print fee.

Drama I

Marilyn Gates

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

In addition to the technical side of the craft (lights, sound, sets, costumes, etc.), students in this course will explore characters, realign their thought process to believably portray a range of emotions, objectives, conflict and resolutions through voice and movement. Students will also incorporate improvisational skills in scenes and theatre games. Finally, students will create scenes and perform, work scripts to bring the words to life, and believably become someone else!

Drawing I

Aubree Karner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

This class is a beginning drawing class for those who have never drawn before and those who have a grasp of basic drawing techniques. We will begin with line and progress through shape, form, positive/negative space, value, composition and proportion through careful observation and drawing of still lifes, interiors, natural objects and figures.

Drawing II

Adam Carnes

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

This class is a continuation of Drawing I. We will continue our drawing studies using various methods, such as: life drawing, linear perspective, intuitive gesture, building forms, figure drawing, abstract composition, master copies, color and mixed media. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements. Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History and have strong drawing abilities.

Dystopian Realities

Emily Roiger

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

A high school reading elective course (no prerequisites required!) In this class, we will read dystopian novels together like The Giver, Uglies, Internment, Scythe, The Grace Year, and The Hunger Games. By using our own knowledge of historical and current events, we will evaluate each book against the essential question: Fiction or the future? This course will require weekly reading requirements outside of class time and weekly participation in whole class discussions. Students will also develop and strengthen their academic research skills, essay writing, and creative project skills

Earth & Space Science

Steven Okapal

Tris: 2 | Open to: Sophomores | Prerequisites: Biology

Earth and Space Science: An innovative take on physics class, in which we use the students' understanding of the natural world to explain and understand fundamental ideas of physics. The class will first focus on the world the students interact with all of the time. It will also include a look forward to our collective future as space explorers.

English Lit 10

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 2 | Open to: Sophomores | Prerequisites: Composition 9

In English Literature, students read contemporary and classic works of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction to identify the elements of Literature. Lectures and student research help students read texts in historical context. Throughout the course, students participate in and lead discussions, conduct original research, and develop both analytical and creative writing projects.

Environmental Science

Lauren Rathe

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

In this environmental science elective, we will explore the biological components that make up our planet’s ecosystems and how they interact with the environment. From the smallest microorganisms to the largest ecosystems, we’ll examine the science behind biodiversity, species conservation, and the role of plants and animals in maintaining a balanced environment. We’ll also explore pressing environmental issues like climate change, pollution, resource extraction, and how new technologies are helping to protect our natural world. Join us to learn how science plays a key role in a sustainable future.

Experimental Literature and Writing

Dillon Hawkins

Tris: 1 | Open to: Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Students will learn about “experimental” or “non-traditional” reading and writing practices. Topics discussed will include writing under strict rules to explore creativity and critical thinking, in addition to choose-your-own adventures and blackout poetry. In addition to reading select works of experimental writing, students will have opportunities to create their own experimental writing and develop a zine of original experimental writing. This is an advanced class reserved for 11th and 12th grade students. However, 9th and 10th grade students can petition for admission. Ask Dr. Hawkins for more information.

Exploratory Dance

Katie McCall

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Students will learn, practice, and perform the foundations of concert style dance forms such as Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and Contemporary Dance. Students will learn, practice, and perform the foundations of social dance forms such as Swing, Lindy-Hop, Hip-Hop and Latin dancing. Students will learn, practice, and perform the foundations of Cultural dance forms such as African and Flamenco. This course may be taken multiple times since each trimester is different and all levels may be included in the course. Students are expected to dress out in moveable clothing or assigned dancewear and shoes.

Exploring Musical Theatre

John Turner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This trimester course is designed to be a fun exploration of musical theatre. We will explore a wide range of musical theatre performances. From Wicked to Hamilton students will be exposed to different themes, musical composition, and talent. This course will look at musical theatre from a cultural lens and explore its impact on modern society. This course will include a performance piece as a midterm and a final.

Exploring Oklahoma

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Exploring the land that would become the 46th state, students will visit capitals, grasslands, sacred grounds, and ghost towns on day trips throughout Oklahoma. In class, we will identify destinations worthy of exploration and make plans to visit them. We will read works by Oklahoma poets past/present and songwriters with distinct Okie voices. Guided by the cultural heritage of the five civilized tribes of Oklahoma, we will examine the cross-cultural bridges that unite the people who call this state their home. Finally, the elective will invite students to experience an off-grid weekend. Camping out under the stars (with the goal of leaving no carbon footprint) students will better appreciate their state and what it means to be a responsible 21st century resident. - Must be 16 years old and in good academic standing

Film & Media Studies

Dillon Hawkins

Tris: 1 | Open to: Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This class asks students to watch and seriously study movies. Students will learn about movie narratives, camera work, set and sound design, costumes and make-up, and editing, among other concepts. In addition to watching and studying movies, students will have opportunities to develop and practice movie-making through weekly labs. Other assignments include quizzes, exams, short writing assignments, and a final project. This is an advanced class reserved for 11th and 12th grade students. However, 9th and 10th grade students can petition for admission. Ask Dr. Hawkins for more information.

Finding a Voice of Our Own

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Composition 9

Focusing on the literature of E.M. Forster, Virginia Woolfe, and the storied members of the Bloomsbury Group, students will explore how a small, eclectic group of writers and thinkers discovered their voices. Students will choose one of the members of the loosely knit group to research and give voice to in a dynamic, multimedia presentation.

French Culture

Kyle Minton

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Bienvenue en France: French Life and Culture, a one trimester course, will allow students to embark on a cultural adventure through the French-Speaking world! This course delves into the fascinating cultures of France and other Francophone countries, exploring their unique histories, artistic expressions, social customs, and contributions to global society. While some basic French vocabulary and phrases will be introduced, the primary focus is on understanding and appreciating the diverse cultures within the Francophone world by learning about inventions, famous people, language, music, art, history, literature, food and much more. The importance of cultural awareness is stressed through group work, presentations, reenactments and projects. Students will confront French colonialism head-on and study how modern colonialism works to displace and suppress minorities and people of color. Students will engage with authentic materials, explore current events, and develop a global perspective. No prior French language skills or experience are required.


Kyle Minton
MacKenzie Lance

Tris: 2 | Open to: Sophomores | Prerequisites: Algebra II

Students in this course will be learning geometric concepts including: area, perimeter, volume, triangle congruence, triangle similarity, trigonometric ratios, and proofs.


Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen | Prerequisites:

Government isn’t just something you read about — it’s something that affects your life every day. In this class, you’ll dive into how our government works, from voting and laws to the rights and responsibilities we all share as citizens. You’ll learn how the choices made in Washington impact everything from your school to your future. By the end, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how to make your voice heard in shaping the world around you.

Graphic Design

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

This computer elective course exposes students to a structured progression from basic to advanced techniques in both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, (possibly InDesign as well). Projects will include a range of graphic design applications, varying from print, web and digital formats. Each week would build upon the previous, culminating in a final project and possible portfolio presentation at the end. Prerequisites include completion of Art Foundations and basic computer skills.

Hands-On Art History

Kelly Foshee

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

For millennia, humans have created all manner of artwork using a wide variety of materials and techniques to achieve their artistic goals-- have you ever wondered what it would be like to create art the way they did? What’s it like to paint a fresco or weave a basket? How do you make a pot? In this class, you’ll explore a wide variety of media projects based in an art historical context including painting, sculpting, clay, ink, fibers, prints, paper and more. This includes studying a variety of styles and techniques from other cultures and multiple time periods and applying that knowledge to a physical project. There will be research, sketchbook and studio work to give yourself a greater understanding of how over time artists and cultures have worked with their hands to shape their vision of their world.

Health & Fitness

Jacelyne Jackson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Healthy individuals are composed of more than just a healthy body and healthy mind, but rather a synergistic system that is capable of building and healing itself. This class is designed as a safe space for you to push your physical and mental limits, but also learn how and when to rest. By the end of this class, you should have a good idea of how well-defined your physical limits are, how to focus on a task or problem, how to become the architect of your own growth, and how to maintain your own health.

Health and the Human Body

Mary Nicholson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Biology

"Health and the Human Body" is a science elective that delves into the complexities of human health and how the environment and our own anatomy and physiology intersect and lead to either health or disease. Through presentation, hands-on activities, research, and engaging discussions, students will explore topics such as nutrition, genetics, and infectious disease transmittance and prevention.

History of Photography

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Photographs can provide glimpses into lives past, long-ago events, and forgotten places. They can help shape our understanding of culture, history, and the identity of the people who appear in them. Photography has been utilized in these ways, and perceived as both an art form and a tool. Photographs can also be powerful tools for telling stories and chronicling events. Their context and presentation can greatly influence the way we understand everything from historical narratives to current cultural issues and situations. This course is a one-trimester survey of photography from its prehistory to the present. Course readings, lectures, and demonstrations will address photography’s multiple histories: as artistic medium, as social text, as technological adventure, and as cultural practice. We will view images made by important contributors to photography’s histories, as well as images that are important less for who made them than for their power within the discourses of mass culture. We will also learn about various technical processes, the camera’s evolution, and the vocabulary and issues of photographic theory and criticism. This class is a lecture based photo course with some alternative processing.

History Through Film

Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Understanding How Pop Culture Influences Our Perceptions of History: Have you ever thought about how movies and TV shows shape the way we see and understand history? In this class, we'll explore how films and pop culture influence our perception of real events and people. From action-packed battles to everyday moments, discover how the media changes the way we think about the past!

Holocaust Studies

John Turner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This trimester course focuses on the impact of inhumanity throughout the early 1900s till the end of World War II. This one trimester course will trace the history of antisemitism throughout the world and the impact these events have had on policy and overall societal tolerance. The course will have a primary focus on the inhumane behavior displayed in Nazi Germany before and during World War II. The class will initially study the roots of anti-Semitism in Europe. This will be followed by a study of the philosophy, literature, propaganda and economic circumstances that conditioned the German populace for acceptance of anti-semitic policies. After intensive study of this event, the course will demonstrate that genocide has occurred in multiple places throughout the world in the modern era.


Marilyn Gates

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Improvisation, in theatre, is the playing of scenes without written dialogue.This happens with acting and reacting in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one's immediate environment and inner feelings. In other words, think "playing it by ear", "take it as it comes", "making it up as one goes along" or the infamous "winging it". It's not just for the stage as we all improv most every moment of every day. This helps give you the tools to feel more comfortable "thinking on your feet". If you've even seen "Whose Line is it Anyway", you'll know what we'll be doing. It's tons of fun!

Instrumental Music

Clinton Beeler

Tris: 3 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Beginning in 6th grade students will learn to read and create music via exploration of multiple instruments and genres. Throughout this 3 trimester course our focus will move between music theory, composition and performance in an ensemble setting.

Intro to Digital Literacy

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores | Prerequisites:

Do you like solving problems? Do you find yourself excited by new technology coming out? Do you just like learning new things? This class is for you!! We will explore the impact of technological advances and how they affect our lives. We will explore how we can use the tech in our lives in better ways. We will also explore a little coding, just to see what makes machines “think.”

Intro to Psychology

Mary Nicholson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Biology

This course introduces students to the study of the human mind and behavior. Students will strive to better understand how we think and act based on intrinsic and extrinsic forces. Topics exploring the basic principles and theories of psychology including personality, the brain, consciousness, learning, and memory will be covered.

Intro to Speech & Debate

Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Students will develop the skills of public speaking, acting, and debating through in-class performance, peer feedback, and competition. Speaking and writing persuasively, research, and artistic storytelling are some of the main focuses of this course. Students will often engage academically with current events, politics, economics, and philosophy. This course prepares Novices to join the Varsity Speech and Debate Team. Tournament participation is required.

Introduction to Algebra

Ashley White

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen | Prerequisites:

Introductory Algebra provides a comprehensive foundation in fundamental algebraic concepts. The course is designed to increase algebra fluency before entering Algebra 1, cover essential topics, and build a strong base for further mathematics study. Beyond just manipulating symbols, the curriculum emphasizes understanding the underlying concepts behind algebraic operations. Intro. to Algebra students are ready to learn concepts including expressions, solving linear equations, inequalities, and graphing functions.

Introduction to Classical Studies

Stephen Rustin

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This twelve-week course will focus specifically on Greco-Roman history and the western tradition. Students will read translations of an array of primary sources, will engage with tangible secondary sources, and will choose a topic that interests them to research independently. The course will also include various exercises, several assessments, and an independent reading project.

Introduction to Computer Science

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Intro to Digital Literacy

Do you like computers and want to learn more about them? Have you ever wondered how to program your own interactive stories, animations, or games? Have you ever wondered how to build a website? This class is for you! We will:

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

In Introduction to Religious Studies, students will be exposed to an array of sacred texts from the five major world religions and will read selections from several novels and short stories with religious themes and allusions. Students will gain an appreciation for the influence of religion on cultures, will begin to learn the basics of the field of religious studies, and will practice researching religions. Each student will write a research paper on a religious topic/theme and will give a presentation on an independent reading book.

Law & Society

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This is a deep dive into our legal system. Students will dissect landmark cases, learn how our judicial system works, try their hand at lawyering, and maybe even go observe court. Guest speakers may include area attorneys and professors of law. At the end of the trimester, students will engage in a mock trial.

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Students will pursue a number of projects intended to expand, improve, and maintain the library at TSAS. These projects will offer students the opportunity to draw on their knowledge of our culture and values while applying newly-acquired skills in library science and construction. Students will be expected to work collaboratively, incorporating surveys and community feedback as they tackle the design challenges of a fully-functioning library.

Maker Space Creations

Aubree Karner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

If you like problem solving and DIY projects, this class is for you. You will use creative thinking skills while getting hands on experience with all kinds of maker tools like the laser cutter, 3D printer, and more.

Mindful Meditation

Jacelyne Jackson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This class is designed to introduce students to the practice of present-moment awareness and non-judgmental observation of thoughts and emotions. Stress reduction, breathing exercises, introspection, and reflection are a few techniques to be explored.

Modern Science Discoveries and Research

Lauren Rathe

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

In this course, students will learn how field scientists collect and statistically analyze data to draw meaningful conclusions in various areas of science. We will explore case studies of groundbreaking scientific discoveries, examining the technology, research methods, and real-world applications behind them. Through hands-on experience, students will develop skills in data collection, statistical analysis, and research design. By the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to design their own research project or study, applying the techniques and tools they’ve learned to explore a scientific question of their choosing.

Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

In addition to the technical side of the craft (lights, sound, sets, costumes, etc.), this course entails developing skills in vocals, dance and acting. Class performs at all applicable venues and performs the annual “big” musical. Lots of hard work but even more fun! Students enrolling as a performer MUST enroll in 2nd and 3rd trimester. Students wishing to enroll as tech support may take either trimester. See also Theatre Tech

Mystics, Heretics, and Witches: Alternative Religious Traditions in World History

Stephen Rustin

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This twelve-week course will focus on minority/alternative religious traditions from around the world. Students will gain an appreciation for a multitude of perspectives they may not be familiar with. They will read translations of an array of primary sources, will engage with tangible secondary sources, and will choose a topic that interests them to research independently. The course will also include various exercises, several assessments, and an independent reading project.

Native American History

John Turner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Government, Oklahoma History

This elective course provides a general introductory overview of Native Americans within the fields of history, anthropology, literature, and political science. This course introduces students to the diverse perspectives concerning Native Americans and promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding indigenous rights, culture, and histories.

Nutrition 101

Jacelyne Jackson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

An introduction and exploration of how food influences health and well-being. This class will cover essential nutrients that our bodies need for sustenance and promotion of health.

Oil Painting

Adam Carnes

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Art Foundations

This course will dive deep into historical and practical oil painting. It’s an intermediate and advanced level of training for students who desire more. Contemporary discourse will be emphasized. Since the discovery of oil painting, young students would apprentice under a master artist and work their way up. When modernism rolled around, many technical skills were lost or abandoned. This class seeks to re-establish classical knowledge and skills, in a contemporary world. Students will learn direct painting, indirect painting, mediums, ground preparation, canvas stretching, and more. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design and intermediate/advanced drawing abilities. Note: you will be working at an easel regularly, so standing is required.

Oklahoma History

Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen | Prerequisites:

Oklahoma history is more than just dates and events — it’s the story of the people and cultures that shaped this unique state. In this class, we’ll explore the fascinating history of Oklahoma, from Native American tribes and early settlers to the state's modern-day growth. You’ll discover the key moments that defined Oklahoma’s identity and how its history connects to your life today. By the end, you'll have a deeper understanding of the state you call home!

Once Upon a Time

Emily Roiger

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Welcome to the wonderful world of children’s literature! This is a high school elective course (no prerequisites required!) In this course, we will take a walk down memory lane as we re-read and analyze the books from our own childhoods. Students will strengthen their literary analysis skills as well as evaluate the ways in which childhood literature shapes foundational belief systems for children and families. From learning to share to welcoming new siblings to tackling anxiety, children’s books are often used when adults don’t quite have the words themselves. These powerful tools are works of art, and students will complete the course by writing and printing their own children’s book!


Steven Okapal

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Composition 9

The course begins with reading Plato's Allegory of the Cave and selections from Descartes. From there the class changes depending on the interests of the students to either a deeper dive into philosophical texts or an overview of the major topics of Philosophy, namely Logic, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics and linguistics/aesthetics. If that sounds good to you, or if you just like talking about classic literature with an eye on metaphor, then Philosophy would be a great class for you to take.

Post-apocalyptic Lit

Stephen Rustin

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This course will focus on themes common to the genre, reflect on how people (real and fictional) respond to crises, and investigate how these stories can uniquely critique the present. We will read and analyze novels, short stories, and other forms of post-apocalyptic media. Students will practice writing their own stories in this genre and will demonstrate their learning through other projects as well.

Printmaking I

Kelly Foshee

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This class will be an introduction to the art of printmaking, which is the oldest form of graphic design and a way to make multiples— think of how rubber stamps work! Printmaking has been around for over a thousand years, originating in the East and migrating to the West as cultures traded artistic techniques as well as goods. In addition to basic printmaking skills such as ink use, block cutting, and print design, students will learn how to make Gelli prints (monotypes like painting), collographs (collage texture prints), relief prints (linoleum and rubber carvings) and other methods. Correct use of specialized printing equipment, tools, and supplies will also be taught. You will work on printmaking projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.

Printmaking II

Kelly Foshee

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Printmaking I

This class will be a continuation of the techniques learned in Printmaking I, and will further your skills in the art of printmaking. Students will learn how to create drypoint intaglios on plastic, multiple color linocuts and silkscreens they can print on clothing. You will work on printmaking projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.

Revealing Lies in History

John Turner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This elective course explores the relationship between the creation of personal and collective memory and the production of history. The seminar will examine the tensions between memory and history, using some of the most acclaimed recent history books. Students will think critically about memoirs and autobiographies, oral histories and personal reminiscences, festivities and holidays of commemoration, historical memory in popular culture, and family lore and stories. What receives the privilege of being remembered and what gets deliberately forgotten constitutes the essence of what we know as history.

Script Analysis

Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Varsity Speech and Debate

This course is designed for advanced actors to refine their ability to interpret scripts for performance. Students will practice identifying themes, characterization, and other dramatic elements in order to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning communicated by scripts written for a variety of mediums, focusing primarily on stage and film. Students will learn the skills necessary to break down a script into its parts, to analyze each part's contribution to the overall message, and to make use of a selection of acting techniques to achieve a purposeful portrayal. Prerequisite: Varsity Speech & Debate and/or instructor approval

Seeking Shakespeare

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Composition 9

Who was William Shakespeare and why aren’t the questions of authorship more widely known and discussed? After looking at recent research and scholarship on the playwright, students will watch several comedies, tragedies, and a couple of the history plays—all attributed to William Shakespeare, the man from Stratford Upon Avon.


MacKenzie Lance

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

In Sewing, students will learn the basics of mending, quilting, and garment construction. Using hand and machine techniques, students will engage in the creative cycle from pattern creation to final project production. Projects will range from altering thrifted clothes to creating bespoke garments with specialty fabrics. Instructor approval is required.

Spanish I

Ana Santeliz

Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

This course assumes no prior Spanish knowledge and teaches students to listen, speak, read and write Spanish on an elementary level. This is accomplished through activities, projects, and lessons from a variety of sources and experiences that focus on these four skills.

Spanish II

Ana Santeliz

Tris: 2 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Spanish I

This course builds upon the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing learned in Spanish I through activities, projects, and lessons from our curriculum (Avancemos II) and other sources that focus on these four skills.

Student Newspaper & Media Studies

Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Students will learn theories and practices associated with gathering, writing, and evaluating the news. This course will allow students to generate content for publication while applying the skills and techniques of responsible journalists. Students also will exercise their media literacy by thinking critically about the relationships between mass media and society, culture, identity, politics, and economics. Students will produce the TSAS student newspaper.

The 1960s

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

As the Beatles sang in 1968, “You say you want a revolution we–ell you knoww we all want to change the world,” the 1960s became a time of pushing back against authority and conformity. Vietnam, the early Cold War, the continuation and evolution of the Civil Rights movement, the counterculture revolution, and more. Study this decade of revolution and change through film, short stories, music, and primary documents and texts. Students will have reflective writing assignments, small group and class-wide discussions, and an independent writing project.

The 1990s

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

The 1990s: grunge, pop-star icons, Oklahoma City Bombing, Boy Bands, the rise of hip-hop to the mainstream, Y2K, the OJ Simpson trial, the impeachment of President Clinton, and so much more. This interdisciplinary course blends elements of Literature, American History, Political Science, and American Studies to explore the decade of the 1990s. We will use film, television, music, theory, literature, advertisements, and more to understand the culture-changing decade. Students will complete reflective in-class writing, whole-class and independent reading, discussions, and an independent research project.

The Arts and Crafts Movement

Kelly Foshee

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

The Arts and Crafts movement was a late 19th century design philosophy that championed handcrafted, high-quality items over mass-produced industrialization and valued the craftsmanship and beauty of handmade objects over machine-made ones, promoting a return to traditional techniques and a connection between the artist and the materials they used. As well as learning about the history and legacy of the Arts and Crafts Movement, in this class you will explore different mediums related to this philosophy including dye/fiber exploration, polymer clay miniatures, ceramic items, bookmaking and more. A focus on handcrafted items, construction, functionality and relation of artist to materials will aid you in your creative problem-solving and developing your own unique design style.

The Cold War

Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Espionage, Propaganda and Global Tensions Explore the exciting and tense world of the Cold War, where the U.S. and Soviet Union battled for power without fighting directly. From secret spies and space races to huge world changes, learn how this period shaped the world we live in today. Join us to uncover the stories behind this thrilling time in history!

Theatre Through Film

Katie McCall

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Drama I

Learn to act on the stage through the medium of film: Students will use scenes, monologues, and duets from films to learn the craft of acting, theatre etiquette, and character development. Students will get to choose films to transcribe for the use of active scene work, or be assigned specific films and scenes. Students will be expected to act daily and perform at the end of the trimester.


Emily Tackel

Tris: 1 | Open to: Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Algebra II, Design Algebra II

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles. Trig students are ready to learn: trigonometric functions, trigonometric graphs and identities, advanced forms of geometry, and real world applications.

US History

Korie Johnson

Tris: 2 | Open to: Sophomores | Prerequisites:

Starting in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, the class will study how the country rebuilds and continue through the ensuing decades, studying key figures, events, and eras of thought. The class will track the experiment of the United States and how through each era there has been a continual redefining of what “freedom” means and to whom it applies, what our Constitution guarantees, and how the country balances between different ideologies, beliefs, and geographies.

Varsity Speech and Debate

Rani Spindle

Tris: 3 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Intro to Speech & Debate

Speakers develop the skills of acting and public speaking. Daily activities may include creating original speeches or portions of speeches, engaging critically with literature, annotation, memorization, and other tasks associated with artistic speaking and storytelling. Debaters develop skills such as writing and speaking persuasively, conducting quality research, time management, critical listening, and rapid note-taking. Debaters will often engage with current events, politics, economics, and philosophy. Assignments in this class incorporate performance, peer-feedback, and preparation for competition. This class serves as the regular meeting time of TSAS's competitive Speech and Debate Team. Prerequisites include Intro to Speech and Debate and/or instructor approval. Students will be expected to enroll in all three trimesters. Tournament participation is required.

Video Production

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites: Film & Media Studies

Introduction to Video Production is a trimester course for students who have taken Film Studies, by Dr. Hawkins. This course is for students interested in creating their very own short film. Students will write an original screenplay, build a crew, shoot and edit their short film projects so as to apply what they have learned. Students will expand their knowledge of artistic and technical terms, techniques, and skills inherent in the visual medium of film. We will study elements of composition and cinematic language, and apply these concepts effectively and purposefully to their own work. Video Production heavily focuses on student-centered projects which means active participation is vital to the successful completion of this course. Students in this course will learn basic camera, audio, and lighting equipment terminology, and functions and will be expected to act responsibly when using said equipment. Writing assignments include reflections and screenplays. In addition, students will gain valuable experience using professional video editing software.

  • You will explore video capturing through the use of smartphones, digital cameras and computers.
  • You will be able to incorporate the elements of art and principles of design.
  • You will be introduced to professional software including Premiere Pro Video Editing Software
  • You will create an original short film that will be showcased at the end of the year Film Festival
A Smartphone, digital camera, thumb drive and an appropriate media card are required. Limited school cameras are available for temporary check out.

Watercolor Painting

Kelly Foshee

Tris: 1 | Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Watercolors have been around since ancient times, when Egyptian artists used pigment and water to decorate their scrolls and tombs, and were also dominant mediums in Chinese, Korean and Japanese painting. It was used for centuries as a sketching material, considered only useful for preliminary sketches but not taken seriously as a ‘true’ painting technique until the late 19th century. This class will teach you the basics of this versatile and portable painting medium with an emphasis on technique, color mixing, brush work, composition, watercolor effects, layering and addition of pen and ink to develop your own skills and creative style. You will work on painting projects and sketchbook work daily to develop your own skills and creative style.

World History

John Turner

Tris: 2 | Open to: Juniors | Prerequisites: Government, Oklahoma History, US History

The purpose of this course is to give the student a better understanding of the complex global community that we live and participate in on a daily basis. Throughout this two trimester course, students will be looking at many aspects of our global community as they relate to political, economic, historical, geographical, religious, and cultural themes as they relate to global studies.

World War I

John Turner

Tris: 1 | Open to: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors | Prerequisites:

Focusing on the Great War students will spend the trimester exploring the perspectives of World War I. Ranging from soldiers' stories from the trenches to an understanding of the social upheaval caused by the conflict, students will gain valuable skills of research, writing, and critical thought. Some other topics included are the Russian Revolution, Tulsa Race Massacre, Right to Vote for Women, Child Labor Laws, and Segregation in Schools.

Courses offered previously and not currently available.

American Culture & Identity

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

American Culture & Identity will use a range of texts to explore what it means to be “American.” The texts will include literature, television, film, pop-culture, art, poetry, architecture, advertisement, music, food, and fashion. The class will use the texts to examine American culture and answer several essential questions: What stories do we tell about ourselves? How do we determine our own identities? And how are our stories challenged and changed over time? How do we glean meaning from culture? This course is interdisciplinary and includes elements from history, political science, and literature. Students will participate in class discussions, conduct an independent research project on a topic related to the course, compare and analyze texts, and complete several writing assignments.

Animal Husbandry

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this course, students will learn about the proper care and maintenance of farm animals such as chickens, goats, donkeys and honeybees. Students will become familiarized with animal biology, day-to-day care, nutrition, health, selective breeding, processing and successful management of domestic animals. Instruction will consist of discussion, lecture and hands-on activities, including three on-site farm labs.

AP Art

Aubree Karner

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

AP Drawing, AP 2D Art & Design, AP 3D Art & Design Are you a committed artist? This college level class will take your skills to the next level while strengthening your artistic eye. You choose whether you will create a 2D or 3D art portfolio for possible college credit.

AP Chemistry

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced coursework in chemistry. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore topics such as: atomic structure, inter-molecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. LABORATORY REQUIREMENT This course requires that 25 percent of the instructional time provides students with opportunities to engage in laboratory investigations. This includes a minimum of 16 hands-on labs, at least six of which are inquiry based.

AP Computer Science Principles

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, AP Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career. All students taking AP courses are encouraged to take the AP exam. This course will teach computer fundamentals and programming logic to students by using Scratch and Python.

AP Physics

Steven Okapal

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

The AP Physics 1 Course has been designed by the College Board as a course equivalent to the algebra-based college-level physics class. At the end of the course, students will take the AP Physics 1 exam, which will test their knowledge of both the concepts taught in the classroom and their use of the correct formulas.

Arctic Circle Science

Emily Hyde

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this course students will learn the basics of Arctic science and study how the Arctic affects and is affected by climate change. Students will expand their knowledge in biology, chemistry, and physics to understand this extreme ecosystem and its importance in climate science. The course is heavily discussion based with supporting lectures and hands-on activities that use real Arctic data to gain a deeper understanding of the Arctic environment.


Steven Okapal

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Astronomy is the study of the universe outside of Earth. The Astronomy class will be broken up into the following sections: History of Astronomy, The Sun cycle, Our Solar System, and if there is time; Star cycles. We will look at the basics of how people started to study the night sky, what we know about our Sun, what we know about our solar system, and if possible, what we know about distant stars.

British Literature

Jesse Stallings

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

The primary objective of this course is to show you that the things you do every day—whether reading, watching television, listening to music, drawing, arguing, or watching movies—can be applied to how you write. I’m just going to show you how. If you already know how, I’m going to show you how to do it better; if you already know how to do it perfectly, I’ll let you write our lesson plans.


Kate Hughes

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Choir is a class designed to teach students the art of vocal performance. Students will be trained in methods of healthy vocal production, ensemble-building, choral blend, sight-singing, and more. All are welcome - no previous experience is necessary!

Community Engagement

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Community Engagement is a 1-session elective course that incorporates a student-driven community service project that has both learning and community action goals. This project is designed through collaboration among faculty, students, and community partners. This gives students experiential opportunities to learn in real world contexts and to develop skills of community engagement.

Computer Programming

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Do you have patience with computers? Do you want to learn one of the most important future skills? Have you ever wondered what is going on behind the scenes in your computer? This class is for you! We will:

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Creative Writing

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this writing workshop, students have the chance to grow as readers and writers. Students explore the elements of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction in works that span a range of sub-genres. As writers, students create and share their own creative writing in a supportive environment. As readers, students respond to the work of their peers intelligently and constructively. Students learn strategies for publishing their work and organize and offer a reading of their work.

Critical Reading

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In Critical Reading, students study rhetoric (the art of persuasion). Students read material and identify how authors use rhetorical devices to move readers to think, feel, and act in certain ways. Students analyze literary devices in short stories, novels, and works of poetry and non-fiction. Students use their knowledge of literary and rhetorical devices to persuade readers as they craft their own original works of both creative and analytical writing. The course includes discussion, student-led research, and student presentations.

Cross Country

Stephen Place

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This is open to anyone who thinks they may be interested in running or wants to get in shape! No previous classes or experience necessary to join the team. Cross Country generally entails running longer distances but don't worry if you can't run that far yet - we'll work up to it! We compete as a 3A school against others in the region but competition is not a necessary aspect of the class - if you want to run just for you I'd be happy to have you in the class! We start practice as a team over the summer so if you're interested in joining please reach out to me as soon as possible! If you don't decide to join until school starts in August you are still welcome to join.


Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This class serves as the regular meeting time of TSAS's competitive Debate Team. Debaters develop skills such as writing and speaking persuasively, conducting quality research, time management, critical listening, and rapid note-taking. Debaters will often engage with real-world issues, current events, politics, economics, and philosophy. Participation in tournaments is required.

Democracy in Action

Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Democracy in Action is a one trimester elective that examines current and relevant political issues, with a focus on students finding and lending their voice to contribute to our nation’s democracy. While content is highly guided by student interests, issues might include healthcare, education, equality, military action, national debt, civil rights and more...

Design Algebra II

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Design Algebra II is a math class taught in a non traditional way. Students are ready to learn through real life applications and projects: quadratic functions and applications; polynomial functions and applications; exponential and logarithmic functions and application, rational and radical functions; probability, data analysis and statistics; and sequences and series.

Design Geometry

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Students in this course use hands-on and project-based methods to learn geometric concepts including: area, perimeter, volume, triangle congruence, triangle similarity, trigonometric ratios, and proofs.

Drama II

Marilyn Gates

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In addition to the technical side of the craft (lights, sound, sets, costumes, etc.), students in this course will more deeply explore characters, realign their thought process to believably portray a range of emotions, objectives, conflict and resolutions through voice and movement. Students will also incorporate improvisational skills in scenes and theatre games. Finally, students will create scenes and perform, work scripts to bring the words to life, and believably become someone else!

Ecology Around Us

Mary Nicholson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this course, students will explore the interactions of organisms with each other and their environment at the population, community, and ecosystem levels. The focus will be on using case studies, labs, and field techniques to observe the diversity of organisms around us.

Election Studies

Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Election Studies is a one-trimester deep dive into the 2024 General Election. Our conversations will center largely on the presidential election but also national congressional elections. Together we will follow speeches, debates and note-worthy news that leads up to election day on November 5th. Whether you are a politics enthusiast or beginner, if you have an interest in learning more about the 2024 elections, their significance and their public policy implications, this course is designed for you. Prerequisite: Open to Grades 10-12. Students must have completed Government before taking this course.

Engineering Physics

Steven Okapal

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Engineering Physics is a project-based class, focusing on the mechanical aspects of physics, and how they can be applied to various physical tasks. The students will complete a series of projects illustrating Newton's 3 Laws of Motion, as well as integrating other aspects of traditional physics as they explore how to take direct action in the world around them.

Ex Cineribus

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Ex Cineribus is TSAS's art anthology. This is a student-led class that requires students to put together a quality product from start to finish.

Experience Learning

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Exploring Oklahoma, Missouri, and Cahokia, Illinois to encounter up close lessons in history, literature, and culture. This TSAS elective immerses students in off-site field trip adventures! Students will gain enriched insights exploring destinations in the tri-state area after reading and researching several topics: Native Mounds Culture, Jazz Culture/Harlem Renaissance, and the pioneers who explored regions west of the Mississippi River after the Louisiana Purchase. In the classroom, students will prepare by reading Native American stories passed down through oral tradition as well as literary classics by Langston Hughes, Mark Twain, and Kate Chopin. We will begin exploring with a daytrip to the Spiro Mounds, and the course will culminate with an excursion along I-44/Route 66 to St. Louis and Hannibal, MO, and Cahokia, IL. From St. Louis we will make day trips to Hannibal, home of Mark Twain, and Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. This elective is for 10th through 12th grade; it requires student planning and initiative! It may require a fundraising drive, but the following costs will be covered for every student in good standing: travel, museum admissions, breakfast/dinner, lodging. Planned trips are part of the course and are mandatory. Treat the travel dates as sacred to successfully complete this course. (Parent chaperones are welcome but must cover their costs.)

Figures in Art

Aubree Karner

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

From the Renaissance to Modern Art, the human figure has long been a source of inspiration to artists. In this class we will explore how artists have approached their depictions of the human body. Using that inspiration, we will create 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional works that all depict some aspect of the figure.

Film as Literature

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Students use the methods of literary interpretation to study and analyze the art of film. Students will read works of fiction and non-fiction, write both analytically and creatively, and participate in discussion.

Food & Culture

Jennifer Lamkin

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

What can studying food and dining practices tell us about a culture? What are the traditions surrounding food around the world? This class will look at the intersection of food and culture and even try some various cuisines along the way. We will also turn to our own community to see what food options our diverse immigrant community has brought to Tulsa.

French I

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

French I focuses on the development of reading, writing, listening and speaking activities through vocabulary, grammar, and culture. This course is designed for students with little or no knowledge of French language or culture. The textbook used is Bon Voyage! Level I, and there is a penpal component to the course.

French II

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

French II continues to develop basic concepts learned in French I including pronunciation, grammar, and culture. This course is designed for students who have completed French I. We will work with the Glencoe textbook Bon Voyage! Level II, and there is a penpal component to the course.

French III

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

French III aims to further develop proficiency in oral communication, reading, and writing previously learned in French I and II. The second half of the class is focused on reading, analyzing and creating a project for Antoine de St. Exupéry's novella, Le Petit Prince.

Freshman Seminar

Emily Roiger

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Transitioning to high school can be a pretty exciting time! Yet, with newfound freedom, an increased workload, and greater responsibility, one can feel a bit overwhelmed trying to balance all of the changes. In this class, we will discuss and explore strategies that will set you up for a smooth transition into high school. Some topics covered will include time-management skills, study habits, college/career exploration, and emotional well-being, with a strong emphasis on relationship building. We will engage in FUN hands-on activities, class discussions, and group projects to help ensure social and academic success for the next 4 years and beyond.

Gender Studies

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course is a creative exploration of gender as it contributes to social organization, history, culture, political, economic and living experiences.

Genocide Studies

Wes Hill

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. When genocide has occurred outsiders have often proclaimed, “never again!” - In this one trimester elective, we will seek to understand the cause and effect of the world’s deadliest genocides and ask ourselves “Is never again truly possible? And if so, what is our part in making never again a reality?”

Graphic Novel

Jesse Stallings

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Great Stories

Jesse Stallings

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Stories are important. They are how we keep track of great (or awful) things that have happened, how we teach our children, how we understand strangers. They help us stay connected with our past and dream about our future. It is with this in mind that we will consume the great stories of Western civilization (World Literature will cover the others) with the hope that we will be inspired, enlightened, and entertained.


Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course is designed to introduce and explore plant science, soil science and landscape design. Students will become familiarized with plant identification, structures and functions and learn various methods of plant propagation. Instruction will largely consist of hands-on activities, labs and development of our school garden.

Hospitality & Tourism

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Explore real-world employment opportunities in the Hospitality Industry, where meetings and events factor into the success of virtually every market segment: corporate, association, education, fraternal, and more. We will examine entry level positions and upward climbing potential within hotel management, event venue operations, sales, and catering. We will meet professionals working in sound and light production. We will visit various venues and meet and listen to guest speakers with an array of professionals meeting planning expertise, perhaps even attend a catered event or see back-of-house operations. We will also explore how tour operators, travel agencies, destination management companies, and chambers of commerce, add to the wealth of a city (and examine how city budgets depend on visitor tax dollars). We will look at entrepreneurial opportunities that were born out of this industry’s demand (i.e. Airbnb, hotel childcare, etc.) and consider how you can get your start.

Intro to Debate

Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Students will learn the basics of various debate formats, conduct research, write cases, and perform in-class debates. Students will often engage with real-world issues, current events, politics, economics, and philosophy. This course prepares Novice debaters to join the Varsity Speech and Debate Team! Participation in tournaments is required.

Intro to Engineering

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

An overview introduction to the world and application of various engineering fields. This course will cover the various disciplines of engineering and what the degree and industry applications are of those disciplines. Additionally, practical skills every engineer should know such as unit conversion and problem solving will be covered. Students who are interested in pursuing degrees/careers in the varying fields of engineering are encouraged to take this course.

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course explores the look, technologies, and social impact of moving images—film, television, and other new media, like video games and TikTok. Topics will include set design, cinematography, editing, sound, genre, and remix culture, among others. Students will also work in groups to direct short scenes illustrating learned concepts.


Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This three-trimester course will focus heavily on improvisation through the exploration and performance of classic and modern jazz standards as well as blues, funk and more!

Jazz II

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Jazz II is the foundational jazz ensemble at TSAS. Students begin to learn jazz standards including the fundamentals of jazz performance and personal performance fundamentals. Coursework includes the preparation of ensemble music, etudes, scales, and supplemental materials.

Latin American Studies

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course is an interdisciplinary overview of Latin American history, culture, geography and art. Through the trimester students will learn about Latin America through a variety of mediums including primary documents, films, literature, food, art, music and current events. Topics will include pre-colonial societies, current day politics, festivals, religion, musicians and artists, and more.


Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course is an in-depth look at biology on the cellular level with an emphasis on microorganisms and biotechnology applications. Topics include microbial cell structure and function, microbial genetics, and the role of microorganisms in disease, immunity and their impact on the environment. Students will become familiar with a wide range of laboratory procedures and analysis.

Mixed Media

Adam Carnes

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

With a focus on acrylic painting, students will also explore a variety of materials like encaustic, collage, charcoal, gouache, papier-mache reliefs, watercolor, ink, shellac, transfers, cyanotypes, etc. This is a studio format course, so you will need to be driven and self-motivated. The teacher will help guide you and introduce new ideas or concepts, but you should have a specific vision and understanding of what imagery or concepts you would like to create. Non-participation and production will result in a failure. Intermediate/Advanced Level Requirements Art Foundations is a prerequisite for this course, so students should already have an understanding of Color Theory, the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, introduction to Art History and have intermediate/advanced drawing abilities that aid in your personal designs, problem solving, and conceptualization.

Mobile Application Development

Eric Miller

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Do you ever wonder what it takes to make an app? Have you ever thought that you had a cool idea for an app? This class is for you! We will be learning Swift which is the language all Apple apps are written in. You will work on an app from beginning to end and potentially even put it on the app store when class is over


Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

A survey (and historiography of sorts) of Mythologies throughout time and around the world.

Narratives in Fantasy Fiction

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this elective students will focus on the writings and conversations of “The Inklings”: C.S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, et. al. Students will also practice writing/sharing their own works (in the spirit of The Inklings).

Native American Literature

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

A study of Native American literature allows the reader to explore an overlooked and underappreciated piece of our collective heritage. This single-trimester elective will look at Native texts chronologically, both fiction and nonfiction, and the cultural and historical environments that produced them. Reading intensive course with some writing and presentations.

Overseas Odyssey

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

(O-Squared) — preparation for travel abroad to become more aware of one's place in the world. The course curriculum will focus on The Netherlands as a Spring Break 2019 destination (with a day-trip to Bruges). Immersions in art, literature, culture, and history will inform class instruction. To prepare for bike-friendly explorations in Amsterdam, Harlem, De Hoge Veluwe, and Bruges, students will also develop biking skills. Participation in fundraising efforts will be expected. The goal is affordability for all interested 11th/12th graders who are in good academic standing to enjoy a 9-day epic journey abroad in March 2019.

Pandemic and Community Health Science

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Pandemics are large-scale outbreaks of infectious disease that can greatly increase morbidity and mortality over a wide geographic area and cause significant economic, social, and political disruption. This course will brush the surface of the role of science in preparing for pandemics; the detection and characterization of a virus, disease epidemiology, and tracking of the trajectory of a pandemic. It will look at interventions such as drugs, vaccines, personal protective equipment for health care workers and community behavior change. It will also look at the challenges of communicating the science of pandemics to the public, both risk communication and uncertainty in modeling as well as decision-making on the part of government and science officials while data unfolds. The class will focus on the pandemics in the 19th through 21st century including the latest 2019 COVID-19 pandemic.

Personal Finance

Ashley White

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Personal Finance covers the basics of how to responsibly handle finances during and after high school. This course will cover budgeting, joining the work force, taxes, checking accounts, saving money, credit, insurance, and investing. This course is designed to be a broad overview of knowledge that will promote good personal finances.

Photography I

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Students will learn the basics of black-and-white photography including camera operation, film exposure, processing, composition, studio set-up, basic lighting, and printing. Students will learn to use all parts of the darkroom for processing and printing black and white film. They begin the course building their own pinhole camera and will be exposed to different terms, techniques, and various artist's works. Students will present their artwork to the class for exhibition and criticism. Returning students will expand on their darkroom skills; they will develop a portfolio of their images and learn to manipulate their images in the darkroom. Students are encouraged to bring their own cameras but class cameras will be available for check out.

Photography II

Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This is a portfolio photography class. Refine your film developing and darkroom-printing skills as you deepen the creative aspects of your camera work. In this course, you will also explore the art of visual communication and ways to use photography as a fine art design element. Students will present their artwork to the class for exhibition and criticism. You'll deepen the creative aspects of your camera work and develop portfolio-ready pieces. We recommend that you bring your own film camera but class cameras will be available for check out. Returning students will expand on their darkroom skills; they will develop a portfolio of their images and learn to manipulate their images in the darkroom. Advanced students can introduce digital photography into their creative process.


Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this single-session journalism course, students will learn the basics of creating a podcast, including research, writing, and sound engineering, culminating in their own podcast to air on a public platform. No previous knowledge or experience required.


Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Pre-Calculus takes the concepts and skills from Algebra II and extends both depth and application. Calculus is the mathematical study of continuous change. This class will provide an introduction to some foundational Calculus concepts and should prepare you for any College Algebra course as well to go on into Calculus.

Sacred Texts & Their Literary Influence

Stephen Rustin

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Sacred Texts & Their Literary Influence will focus on various forms of religious literature and their impact on various societies. We will read and analyze selections from the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Talmud, and Dhammapada. We will then read and analyze several modern novels with strong religious themes, looking for connections between them and the sacred texts. Students will write a research paper on a chosen religious tradition, will write their own short stories with religious themes, and will demonstrate their learning through other projects.

Science & Technology

Steven Okapal

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Science and Technology has a dual focus of filling in gaps of understanding in basic science concepts, as well as exposure to scientific literacy. The course will have a normal lecture component 3-4 days a week, and the students will work on Science Research papers throughout the course. At the end of the course, students will be able to use basic science investigation skills and be able to both analyze and evaluate scientific articles.

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this course, students will explore the role that science plays in works of fiction. They will analyze both accurate and inaccurate portrayals of science concepts in literature and film to deepen their understanding of concepts such as genetics, parasitism, and disease. This course will include discussion, research, and labs.

Seeing & Hearing Shakespeare

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course begins by establishing an appreciation for the accomplishment of the work, its scope and successful treatment of the full range of human experience. We will debunk any myth about the authorship. Students will experience several of Shakespeare's plays with contextual awareness, all three play types: comedies, tragedies, and histories. Most of the course will involve recorded stage productions and film adaptations. We hope to see a live performance, and after each experience, students will reflect on the relevance of the story, the characters. The primary goal of experiencing "Shakespeare" in depth: to better understand the works as timeless and universal.

Self-Identity & Culture

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Humans are constantly working to understand themselves and figure out how they fit. This course explores the human search for meaning and belonging. In order to further understand, students study the history and cultural cachet of many tools western culture offers to aid in self-discovery. Students use a critical lens to investigate these tools (technology, culture, and belief systems) offered as sources of answers and meaning. The course is American Studies-esque as it works within multi-disciplines. It is built on in-depth reading, writing, original student research and presentations, and student and teacher-led discussions.

Spanish Culture

Rogelio Contreras

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Hola! Spanish Culture is a 12-week Humanities course that focuses on several different aspects of culture (Language, History, Art, Culinary Arts, Geography, Demographics, Music, Cinematography) in Spain, Mexico, Central America other South American-speaking countries. All coursework and instruction will be in English, but hopefully the students will learn some new Spanish phrases along the way!


Rani Spindle

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This class serves as the regular meeting time of TSAS's competitive Speech Team. Students will develop the skills of acting and public speaking by preparing performances for competition. Daily activities may include creating original speeches or portions of speeches, engaging critically with literature, annotation, memorization, and other tasks associated with artistic speaking and storytelling. Participation in tournaments is required; no previous experience is necessary!

The Voices of Harlem

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

In this elective, students will explore how a group of Black writers and thinkers give birth to a renaissance. Students will choose one of the members of the group to research and give voice to in a dynamic, multimedia presentation.

Theatre Tech

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Students will learn how to do backstage, technical theatre work; students will also learn about theatrical design, focusing on set pieces, costumes, props, lighting, and sound design. This course has some written work, but is mostly hands-on; the class will be working to help produce plays at both the middle and high school level. Evening attendance to do backstage work at plays will be required at least once per trimester.

Track & Field

Stephen Place

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This is open to anyone who thinks they may be interested in running or wants to get in shape! No previous classes or experience necessary to join the team. Track and Field includes short, medium and long distance running, relays, and a myriad of field events! We compete as a 3A school against others in the region but competition is not a necessary aspect of the class - if you want to run just for you I'd be happy to have you in the class! The competitive season begins at the beginning of 3rd trimester so any student wanting to compete will need to be enrolled in both trimesters.

Web Development

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This course will allow a student to create interactive website front-ends using (X)HTML, JavaScript, and CSS and the student will be able to code websites, web applications, and learn about web graphics by using GIMP.

Wind Ensemble

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This ensemble is made up of wind and percussion students who wish to develop their music skills individually and in an ensemble. Instrumentation includes: flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, bari sax, trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, and percussion. Individual practice is expected. Participants will have opportunities to compete as individuals for positions in honor groups such as the Green Country Honor Band and All State Band. In addition, there are opportunities for small ensemble and full band competition or festival performances. Travel is a possibility for this group and therefore, fund raising is a priority in order for the ensemble to afford expenses. Instrument rental program available.

Women’s Studies

Korie Johnson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

A multi-disciplinary class that uses elements of literature, history, political science, media studies and others to build knowledge about cultural assumptions and gender. Students will examine common and historical ideas to further their understanding of gender and society. Students should expect to read primary documents, watch film, analyze media, complete reflective writing assignments, an independent research assignment, and to help lead in-class discussions. Most of the material focuses on women’s studies in the US and the west, but there will be times we will also draw on examples from other cultures and comparatively study the issues. Class is reserved for 11th and 12th grade students (9th and 10th by permission)

WORD Poetry Out Loud

Jeffery Donaldson

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

* Create original, spoken word pieces for performance.

  • Memorize classics for performance competition and scholarships.
  • Poem of the Day—Read and Discuss poems in various styles.
  • Write your own poems in journals for self-enrichment and performance
  • Select and Memorize great, classical poems for Out Loud Poetry


    Stephen Place

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

This will be a fun, challenging, enlightening course and I’m so glad to be offering this course! Yoga is a practice centered in the connection between the mind and body, and we will work to increase your understanding of both. My goal is to facilitate yoga classes in a friendly, non judgmental and non-competitive space, and to foster a sense of community amongst individuals interested in growing their spiritual journey through the teachings of Yoga.


Cheyenne Butcher

Tris: 1 | Open to: | Prerequisites:

Zine (/ziːn/ ZEEN; short for magazine or fanzine) is a small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via photocopier. This class explores the world of self-expression and storytelling through avenues of photography, collage, writing, illustration, and any other art you can think of. The possibilities are limitless, and the subject is up to you! Learn bookbinding, photoshop manipulation, healthy workflows, and about the underground artist community of Zine.